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Anxiety: Why Special Needs Parents Feel It So Intensely
If, like me, you are one of the forty million Americans who experience anxiety, you know what it feels like to truly worry. I’m talking...

Caregiver Burnout
Something went wrong in the middle of spring. With little provocation, I began snapping at my loved ones. My body started dragging and my...

Mental Energy: A Precious but Finite Resource
Mental energy. Cognitive load. Emotional bandwidth. Whatever we call it, we all have a certain amount we expend each day. And when that...

Sympathy, Empathy, Pity, and Compassion
When it comes to special needs families, the topic of sympathy can involve a surprisingly diverse range of emotions and elicit a wide...

A Life Half Told: How It Feels When People Only Want to Hear About Silver Linings
I am a writer whose subject matter sometimes horrifies people. Yet, there are no guts, weapons, or gore in my essays and stories. My...

Depression and Special Needs Parenting
Many special needs parents battle unspeakable things under unimaginable amounts of pressure. It’s no wonder we sometimes suffer from...

Anger: Yes, Special Needs Parents Get Angry Too
When JJ received her Rett Syndrome diagnosis, I asked the therapist I was seeing what to expect in terms of grief. I wanted to have an...
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